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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Science of Eating a Cupcake

According to Kai:

  1. Be very specific about the cupcake you want.  Preferably choose that one pastry with the most chemically enhanced colors (the more fluorescent, the better).  Announce your choice not only to your parents, but also to your Opa & Oma, who are patiently waiting their turn.  Heck, while you're at it, just announce your choice to everyone in the store; it betters your chances of getting the desired item of yummyness source of sugar overload.


  2. As you prepare to devour this heavenly creation, delivered to you by the Gods of Goodness, just FOCUS.  Focus on nothing more than the sensation and the amazing chemical reaction happening in your mouth as you take that first bite.  it's pretty darn sensational, you know.


  3. Once the first bite has been ingested and the sugar rush has been set into action, you continue with the best part: the frosting.  Those precious, fluorescent colors.  The part your parents dread the most.  (For oh-so-many reasons.)  Turning the cupcake constantly, you work your way through the frosting as if it were an ice cream cone you were deconstructing.  (Although, that would probably be an excellent combination with a cupcake...  Can you imagine: a cupcake and an ice cream cone at the same time.  Oh, how awesome would that be?)  Focus.  Do not get distracted.  It's the cupcake you're working on here.  It's a lot of work, but as with most things: persistence & tenacity are key.  (Mom calls the "tenacity" "stubbornness".  Really, what's the difference?)


  4. Well, and then the moment has arrived that the frosting is gone.  All gone.  Now what?  Oh well, just dive in!

And that, people, is the science of eating a cupcake.  According to Kai.



MWalker said...

You know, there is a recipe for cupcakes in ice cream cones out there somewhere, because I remember seeing it.

Unknown said...

Love it! Way to go Kai!

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